Our very own Karen Thorne received a standing ovation on Saturday, as after weeks of training she performed her fantastic dance routine to Dolly Parton’s 9-5 with partner Stuart Dawes from the Brighton Academy at this year’s Midsummer Ball hosted by the DM Thomas Foundation.
Four different acts representing their individual charities took to the stage to sing and dance, and Kaz certainly did not disappoint. Being the first act on stage, she wowed the audience with lifts, cartwheels and amazing footwork.
Unfortunately, she just missed out on the top spot to fellow competitors Charman and Alison who were representing Action Medical Research, but everyone here at C J Thorne are so proud of Kaz and in our eyes she was definitely the winner!
We are still awaiting the final figure of the total raised on the night, but we would like to thank all our suppliers, colleagues, friends and family, who helped Kaz personally raise £5,676.08.